Get To Know Me

Name: Jamaal Brown

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

College: Rochester Institute of Technology (2007-2013) and Northwestern University (2014-2015)

Degree: B.S./M.S. in Communication

Occupation: Writer/Editor

Hobbies: Reading, hanging out, playing basketball and bowling, and attending sporting events

Most Interesting Things About Me: I am the first and youngest child in the family to graduate from colleges with bachelor's and master's degrees.





Welcome to my website.

I create my own website to enable you to get to know about me personally and professionally.

I am pleased to introduce myself to all of you.

Hello visitors,

My name is Jamaal Brown and I am a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and Northwestern University with a bachelor's and master's degree in Communication. I currently work as a Marketing Communications Specialist serving as a writer and editor for the NTID's Communications, Marketing, and Multimedia Services at RIT. I am a part-time graduate student studying for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a STEM-focused specialization in marketing. I am expecting to complete my MBA degree in May 2027.

I have a profound passion for business journalism that provides news and stories about events, issues, and trends that shape today's society. My enthusiasm for writing, reporting, editing, research and social media leads me to pursue a career in communications and journalism. I believe that journalism can bring people and the community together and make the world a better place for consumers.

Since 2014, I have written multiple articles for several publications, including Total Sports Live, Blasting News, The EzCo Journal, The Sport of Philanthropy, and Premier Travel Media (PTM). Currently, I write stories and articles about alumni events as well as achievements for the NTID's Alumni Relations department. When I am not working, I get a chance to spend time and hang out with my friends within the Deaf community, play basketball and bowling, and travel to different places.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit my website. If you would like to connect with me personally and professionally, do not hesitate to contact me at brown.jamaal.d@gmail.com or follow me through social media channels: LinkedIn or Twitter. I will be more than happy to respond to you.